You Can’t Make Me Hate You

I refuse to be angry at MAGA-stan; I refuse to feel ill will toward WOKE-istan

Roshana Ariel
6 min readSep 13, 2021
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I miss the days when I was growing up, when our parents didn’t talk about politics. I didn’t even know what political party my parents were aligned with until I was in my 30s. We just didn’t talk about it. Just like we didn’t talk about religion … we just went to church and lived our religion.

And it wasn’t a “thing.” We didn’t know what political alignments anyone had. We just got along with our neighbors. The only elections I was interested in as a kid were student council elections.

I think those who fall into the extremes of political camps embody the shadow sides of excellent qualities. They exhibit the extreme ends of qualities we all admire.

It’s like my husband: He’s the most generous man I’ve ever met, and he can be generous to a fault.

Poet David Whyte points out that the foundation of anger is great, passionate care.

The way I see it, the healthy side of MAGA-stan honors strength, sovereign rights, hard work, self-sufficiency. And the healthy side of WOKE-istan honors care for the less fortunate, the health of the environment, diversity, equality.



Roshana Ariel

I write about how to live life well even when it’s crazy or difficult. I’ve had lots of practice! As an editor, I love to rewrite my life to make it beautiful.