From Shrieking Bark to Mindful Moment: Learning to Love My Neighbor’s Dog

How to unleash the power of mindfulness in everyday challenges

Roshana Ariel
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
5 min readApr 12, 2023


A black-and-golden-brown dog is barking in her fenced yard.
AI image created using prompts by the author on Midjourney.


Ah, my alarm clock. 6 a.m. … again.

The little fluff-muffin catty-corner from us is awake, so the neighborhood is notified that our doggy deputy is on duty…



Roshana Ariel
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I write about how to live life well even when it’s crazy or difficult. I’ve had lots of practice! As an editor, I love to rewrite my life to make it beautiful.