Amazing Presidential Candidates No One Is Telling You About
It’s not just half-dead guy and convicted-felon guy we have to choose from
There are several candidates who will be on the ballot this fall that you’ve probably never heard of. Don’t you think it’s time you got to know these candidates, since the stakes right now are so high and our supposed options are so pathetically bad?
It amazes me that of all the millions of people in this country, the best we can do is highlight two very flawed candidates. If you listen to the news, look at your various feeds, or watch any of the major television stations or their respective YouTube channels, you’d think there are only two viable candidates.
Check out BallotPedia to find a list of all the people who have actually put their hat in the ring. BallotPedia features only four that it calls “noteworthy” candidates: Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Chase Oliver (the Libertarian candidate), and Robert F. Kennedy (an Independent). BallotPedia defines “noteworthy” as having these qualities: